To mark the occasion of my 25th year of art, I'm launching a special series of silkscreen prints based on some of my favourite works from the past.

The first print "Urban Decay" is based on a piece from 2001. I've printed them myself from scratch and I'm very pleased with the quality. They are produced in small editions so get in there quickly to avoid disappointment.

Here is a link -
To see some "making of" photos, check out my Flickr here:
Other News - Live Shows:
I'm pleased to announce my first appearance in Los Angeles.Mid City Arts are flying me over to headline a show entitled "Un:Earth" curated by Codak. The opening is 5th September - please see the attached flyer image below for the rest of the details. Here is the link in case you can't view it directly -
http://www.shok1.com/UnEarth_Flyer_Front.jpgI'm going to be in town from 1st - 15th September painting as many walls as possible depending how well my English skin can survive the California sun!
I'll be painting live at the gallery 2 - 6pm Sunday September 6th. If you are in the area then please feel welcome to visit.I'll be updating my Flickr with images from the trip. Keep an eye on it for updates here -http://www.flickr.com/photos/shok-1/
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